c 1670 View of Japan - Earthquake at Jedo (Tokyo)


Earthquake at JEDO.” from Remarkable Addresses BY WAY OF EMBASSY FROM THE East-India Company OF THE UNITED PROVINCES TO THE EMPEROR of JAPAN…  Arnoldus Montanus. London: John Ogilby, 1670. Original copper-plate engraving from the first available 17th century views of Japan published in Europe! (Image: 9 1/8 x 12 ½’’)

This detailed view depicts the “Earthquake at JEDO” (Tokyo). Outstanding engraving depicting the near ruin of Tokyo from the aftermath of an earthquake. In the foreground people and homes are being swept away in the river. In the background the mountain explodes with fire.

Throughout its history the city has been prone to disaster. Earthquakes were common – but it was the fire which followed, known as “the flower of Edo” which caused the worst damage. The most considerable Edo fire occurred in 1657. About two-thirds of the city was destroyed, including much of the castle, and upwards of 100,000 people died. 

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  • Inventory# V-1603
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